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Open Science

Open Science at the University of Zurich

Michael Schaepman, rector UZH, Quote: «UZH wants to improve the accessibility of scientific results through Open Science in order to further the dissemination of knowledge. »

Open Science at the University of Zürich

The University of Zurich has been part of national and international Open Science initiatives for many years. In order to foster an open research culture and to advance Open Science, UZH strives to be “Open by Default”.

Open Science Strategy

To make the “Open by Default” vision reality, the University is pursuing a two-tier strategy.

Top down: Open by Design

UZH creates the necessary conditions and guidelines to foster openness in research.

Bottom-up: Open by Desire

UZH supports Open Science initiatives.

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P5 Open Science projects

From 2021 to 2024 swissuniversities is funding 25 Open Science projects where UZH is lead and 5 where UZH is a partner institution for the implementation of the National Open Access Action Plan and the ORD (Open Research Data) Action Plan.

Overview of Open Science projects
