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Open Science

P5 Open Science Projects

Closing event of swissuniversities-P5 Open Science Projects at UZH

On November 18, a closing event will take place of all swissuniversities-funded P5 Open Science projects that have been carried out at UZH or in which UZH is involved. The event is aimed at all previous project leaders and team members, future project leaders and all members of the UZH interested in project funding from swissuniversities.

When: Monday 18 November, 10am-1.30pm (incl. Lunch)

Where: Small auditorium (RAA-G-01), Rämistrasse 59, 8001 Zürich

Organisation and contact

Open Science Services (University Library UZH), in the names of Vice President Prof Christian Schwarzenegger and Vice President Prof Elisabeth Stark.



Overview of all P5 Open Science Projects at UZH

Grid containing content elements


Das Platinum Open Access Funding (PLATO)-Projekt hat das Ziel, in nachhaltiges Finanzierungsmodell zu entwickeln, das qualitativ hochstehendes Open-Access-Publizieren in der Schweiz ermöglicht.