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P5 Open Science Projects

Closing Event of swissuniversities-P5 Open Science Projects at UZH

On November 18, a closing event will take place of all swissuniversities-funded P5 Open Science projects that have been carried out at UZH or in which UZH is involved. The event is aimed at all previous project leaders and team members, future project leaders and all members of the UZH interested in project funding from swissuniversities.

When: Monday 18 November, 10am–1.30pm (incl. Lunch)

Where: Small auditorium (RAA-G-01), Rämistrasse 59, 8001 Zürich

Preliminary program

10:00  —  Welcome address
10:05  —  Keynote Vice Presidents
10:40  —  Presentation of UZH-wide projects
11:30  —  Closing
until 1:30pm  —  Standing lunch in the atrium (Lichthof) of the RAA building

Organisation and contact

Open Science Services (University Library UZH), in the names of Vice President Prof Christian Schwarzenegger and Vice President Prof Elisabeth Stark.



Overview of all P5 Open Science Projects at UZH

Grid containing content elements


The Platinum Open Access Funding (PLATO) project aims at developing sustainable funding and support strategies for Diamond Open Access in Switzerland.

Kontakt: Daniela Hahn

OHiS - Oral Health in Switzerland

OHiS is a longitudinal epidemiological study in Switzerland creating an open research platform between the dental university centers in Zurich, Basel, and Bern.

Contact: Tim Joda


The project “Upgrading the linguistic ORD ecosystem” tackles the issue of adhering to FAIR
principles when working with challenging language data, proposes and implements solutions.

Contact: Cristina Grisot

Data Stewards Network

The Data Stewards Network is part of a project funded by swissuniversities with the goal to connect and support researchers and employees of the university that are committed to FAIR and open data.

Contact: Susanna Weber


HI-FRAME is about aligning professorial hiring at UZH with the Open Science movement, while simultaneously also articulating the nexus between Open Science and equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI).

Contact: Karin Gilland-Lutz & Mihaela Falub


“Proto4DigEd” develops, evaluates and documents prototypical workflows for digital editions in a publicly accessible manual using the example of the correspondence of the French philologist Gaston Paris.

Contact: Elias Zimmermann


The goals of E-Specimina are to bolster researchers in adopting and advancing Open Research Data (ORD) practices when sampling physical objects from natural history collections for research projects.

Contact: Reto Nyffeler aims to allow scholars to create and publish interactive and executable online
content without requiring web development skills.

Contact: Andrei Plamada


enviPathPlus brings the biodegradation platform enviPath to the next level by improving user accessibility and linking to chemical and biological resources, with the objective to better understand and predict biodegradation processes of organic contaminants.

Contact: Kathrin Fenner & Jasmin Hafner

Openverse - Shaping the Future of XR Research

Openverse is an interdisciplinary platform for co-creation of virtual spaces.

Contact: Anand van Zelderen

Open Research Data in Veterinary Medicine

Das Projekt «Open Research Data in Veterinary Medicine» (ORDVET) will innerhalb der Vetsuisse-Fakultät das Bewusstsein für einen verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit Daten schärfen und über ORD-Praktiken und die FAIR-Prinzipien informieren.

Contact: Elena Dhein


ORD-Xplore reveals connections between highly heterogenous digital editions to support digital librarians in the edition unification process, towards their goals to enhance FAIR principles, leading to more open, connected, and accessible editions.

Contact: Madhav Sachdeva &Jürgen Bernard


A Framework for Avoiding the Open Research Data Dump (AFFORD) aims to establish a support framework that lowers the barriers to publishing data and other forms of research output according to the FAIR principles.

Contact: Vartan Kurtcuoglu  & Leonhard Held


Strengthen the Interoperability and Reusability of Research Outputs (SIRRO) focuses on the ORD practices of preregistration and data management planning as measures to avoid bias and to increase quality.

Contact: Eva Furrer


FIWI-ON makes the extensive film collection of the Department of Film Studies
accessible for research.

Contact: Simon Spiegel

Moving ORD practices into cancer care

This project explores and tests ORD principles in the context of cancer care through a combination of engagement with relevant communities at the UZH as well as a technical demonstrator of a cutting edge data discovery technology.

Contact: Michael Krauthammer & Michael Baudis

Recognise ORD (recORD)

This project brings together 12 Swiss higher education institutions (HEIs), the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences (FORS). It aims to take a joint step forward in deciding how Open Research Data (ORD) should be recognized in the evaluation of research proposals, in the assessment of researchers (recruitment and career development), and in the assessment of research performing institutions.

Contact: Luzia Budmiger

Regulatory Framework: Zweitveröffentlichungsrecht und Open Access als regulatorische Herausforderungen

Im Rahmen des Projekts wurden die rechtlichen Herausforderungen im Kontext von Open Access im Allgemeinen sowie des Zweitveröffentlichungsrechts im Besonderen untersucht.

Kontakt: Florent Thouvenin


We provide access to cutting edge genome-wide CRISPR libraries to the research community, offer on-site practical trainings and technical support, and create a community for FAIR-compliant CRISPR screens.

Contact: Artemi Bendandi


Tag-Xplore is an interactive data exploration tool that enables data curators of digital editions to understand the commonalities and differences in annotation practices.

Contact: Michael Blum & Jürgen Bernard


Omnibenchmark aims to make method performance assessments (i. e., benchmarks) more accessible and impactful to the community. The initiative is poised to improve not only the efficiency and transparency of (computational) methods research, but also the robustness and usability of state-of-the-art methods for various end-users.

Contact: Mark Robinson


Open Access Hub for Swiss Philosophers (OAHUBSP)

Contact: Jörg Löschke


EyeStore is a place for eye-tracking data storage, including documentation for uploading, preprocessing and accessing data collected within the MultiplEYE project and any other eye-tracking data from reading that is contributed to the collection.

Contact: Lena A. Jäger


Extensions to the EyeStore project with the purpose of building an open repository for multilingual eye-tracking-while-reading data in a standardized format.

Contact: Lena A. Jäger


Open Metaverse Research Community

Contact: Jochen Menges


Databank for animal allergic dermatitis Open research

Contact: Claude Favrot


Open Research Data Environments for the Arts

Contact: Tristan Weddigen


New Methods for Accessing Visual Open Research Data in the Digital Humanities

Contact: Tristan Weddigen

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P5 Open Science Program by swissuniversities

More about P5 Open Science Program by swissuniversities